4th of July Recipe Round Up



The 4th of July is just around the corner and that means fun, frolicking, and most importantly FOOD. Most years I find myself making sweet treats for my niece Lucy, as her birthday falls on the 4th. We all like to gather in Fire Island to celebrate as we sing happy birthday and watch the fire works.


To say Lucy loves dessert is an understatement, so I always try my best to put a smile on her sweet little sugar addicted face and make her some incredible treats. No matter what you are making this July 4th it should be easy, should make people smile and if it happens to also be red white and blue than even better. So here are some of my favorite July 4th recipes that will make your weekend that much more sweet.





Red, White + Blue Sangria  by Crista at Peace.Love.Quinoa

Let’s start this 4th of July with fizzy and refreshing white wine sangria's! In this recipe she finishes her sangria off with sparkling water; I think I'm going to skip that part and finish it with some bubbly champagne! The best part about sangria is you can use whatever wine, fruit and juice you like.


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Dill Hummus

Poor dill.

I used to say that mint was an underappreciated herb, but dill, he might just take the cake on that one.

What do I really use dill in? There is creamy dill dip! Now that’s delicious. My sister brings one over every Christmas Eve and with some pumpernickel bread it sure does hit that Christmas eve spot in my tummy.

I always think of this dill dip fondly as it starts off the festivities. And of course it makes sure there is a little cushion in my stomach for my second favorite thing on that day...Christmas Eve wine ;) 

What else has dill??

Cucumbers and Dill! It's delightfully refreshing thats true, but  where do we go from there??

Well, why not hummus...yes, a dill flavored hummus with accents of coriander and cumin to round out the dills bright notes. Hmmmm, a new dill dish staple perhaps??? You tell me…


1 15oz can Garbanzo beans (aka Chickpeas)

¼ cup Tahini

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander

1 tsp Salt

¼ cup dill

3 garlic cloves

1 lemon (juice)

1/8-1/4 cup olive oil

Combine all ingredients except oil in a food processor.  Drizzle in olive oil until it’s the consistency that you want. Serve and ENJOY!


  • If you want to use less oil and have a thinner hummus just add a little water
  • The longer the hummus sits the more the flavors come out, especially the dill
  • The Tahini can be optional but you will find it in most big grocery stores in the international isle.


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Roasted Garlic + Basil Hummus

Roasted Garlic Basil Hummus

I have a tendency to overdo things.

Bigger. Bolder. Spicier...These are words I like!

When I first started cooking, my spice cabinet became my favorite new toy and anything I made included at least ten of my little friends. Any given day, you could especially find me hanging out with my best buddies, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, and Red Pepper Flakes.

We were having a great time. But...the romance couldn’t last.

As much as I loved the kick of flavor my friends added to my new creations, sometimes it was just too much. It took me a long time to accept that more isn’t always better.

Eventually the romance did fade and my favorite buddies and I saw each other less and less...

But the happy part is that every romance that ends--or every door that closes--allows for something new to be born...

Like this simple and perfect hummus: the new love of my life. 

Roasted Garlic + Basil Hummus


  • One 15-to-19-ounce can garbanzo beans (a.k.a. chick peas)
  • 2 bulbs Roasted Garlic
  • 10 large fresh basil leaves
  • Kosher salt, to taste
  • ¼ - ½ cup olive oil


  1. Combine the garbanzo beans, Roasted Garlic, basil leaves, and salt in a food processor and pulse.
  2. Stream in the olive oil while your food processor is on until you get a smooth consistency.


  • As with many dips, the longer this hummus sits in the fridge, the better it tastes.
  • Don’t be afraid of salt! This needs quite a bit!
  • Find more info on roasted garlic at CookNovel.com.
: @NikkiDinki

: @NikkiDinkiCooking


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