Biscoff Blondies



There has been a battle brewing for centuries...


!!!!!!!!!!!! Brownies vs. Blondies !!!!!!!!!!!!!





Chocolate lovers everywhere have never truly accepted the Blondie. They look at this non-chocolate cousin of the brownie as the ugly step child of the dessert family.

How dare it walk around with not an ounce of chocolate to its name and think it can be called a real dessert.






Here though, is where I confess my dirty little secret...


I prefer Blondies over Brownies....


(((((((((((((( Audible GASP from the crowd )))))))))))





I'm sorry, so sorry to do this to you, and if you are a chocoholic and feel the need to stop reading this blog, un-subscribe to my youtube channel, un-like me on facebook and stop following my witty 140 character tweets than I understand.  I only hope that one day we can be friends again.


Oh and you better stop following me on Instagram and Pinterest too (#I'mSocialMediaAddicted)


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