Swordfish + Lentils

Every time I have moved in NYC (and those times have been many) there is always one very important question to ask before even considering the place.

Sure, you can ask about the cost, utilities, pets and other trivial things but let’s get down to the nitty gritty... because there is only one really important question, and that is....

Where is the closest grocery store??

You see there are many places in NYC where you have to walk 15-20 minutes for a grocery store. Some people even have to take a subway or god forbid...a bus!

And though some would argue that you can get your groceries delivered and it's not a big deal, these people obviously don't understand how often I go to the grocery store.

So when my current apartment building boasted a grocery store in the building well... I was sold.

Then if the one in my building was not enough, you can go crazy and cross the street where there is another store. And if for some reason that is not cutting it for you, you can walk 3 blocks and reach 3 more stores. 

So when a new grocery store opened 4 blocks away I was naturally curious but was also not necessarily in need of a new store. So I nonchalantly walked the 4 long blocks, way outside of my normal range and entered the building...

As I took the escalator down to the basement level I realized (and this happens often in NYC) that this place is about a million times bigger than I thought!!

Then and there, taking up what seemed like half of Manhattan, sat my new, most amazing, most favoritest grocery store EVER.

You see most Manhattan grocery stores are fine but not the giant superstores you might be used to in the suburbs.

And my new favorite store was not your typical Manhattan store. It housed a produce department offering things I've never even heard of and had a surplus of things like avocados, mangos and poblanos- which are usually a scarcity at my other stores.

And then as I dreamily walked through my little heaven on earth I came across the seafood counter.

Squid to seabass, tuna to trout, they had it all.

Suddenly instead of my old journey to get seafood  (which meant a trip way outside of my neighborhood) I can now quickly pick up a piece of swordfish, marinate it in some pantry staples, toss it with some lentils and veggies, and have a fantastic Tuesday night dinner.

I swear my next job is going to be as a supermarket spokesperson.



2Tbs Scallions, whites + greens, chopped

1Tbs Garlic, chopped

1Tbs Thyme, chopped

2 Tbs Worchestire Sauce

2Tbs Red Wine Vinegar

1tsp Dijon Mustard

1 Lemon, zest + juice

¼ cup Olive Oil

1tsp Kosher Salt

1/4tsp Pepper

4 Swordfish Steaks


1 cup uncooked Lentils

12 White Asparagus, chopped into 1inch chunks

8-10 Ramps, chopped into 1inch pieces.

Combine all the marinade ingredients besides swordfish in a bowl and whisk to combine.  Add swordfish steaks and make sure they are covered in the marinade. Marinate for a minimum of 1hr or overnight.  While fish marinates cook lentils to the packaged instructions and set aside. Remove steaks and cook on a grill pan for 3-5minutes a side, or until the fish is just cooked through. While fish is cooking put marinade in a sauce pan and cook for 5-7minutes until bubbling and reduced slightly.  Also while fish cooks sauté the white asparagus and ramps in a pan with a little oil and salt. When veggies are tender add lentils to them.  Mix half of the cooked marinade mixture into the lentils. Put lentil on the plate, top with swordfish and top that with the remaining cooked marinade.


  • You can use a regular pan or an outdoor grill to cook the fish
  • Use a ziplock bag to marinate fish in, this is helpful to make sure all the fish is covered and you don’t have to flip the fish to ensure even coverage.
  • You could use all red wine vinegar instead of lemon and vinegar or all lemon.
  • You can use all white asparagus instead of ramps or any vegetable for that matter, sub the ramps and white asparagus for regular green asparagus, broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, whatever you like.


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